Monday, May 16, 2016

Jon Tenney : dari Serial "The Closer" dan "Major Crimes"

Tuc Watkins : dari Serial "Desperate Housewives"

Friday, April 11, 2014

Pencitraan Lebay ??????????

Link 1 :

Link di atas benar2 melakukan Black Campaign terhadap Agnes Monika. Walaupun saya buka fans dia secara fanatik, tapi saya menggemari lagu2 nya sejak sewaktu dia "hanya" Diva Lokal.

Link 2 :

Link kedua adalah link i-tunes nya Apple, di mana di sana masih menjual lagu nya Agnes seharga 1,29 US $

Jadi tulisan si oknum di atas benar2 Black Campaign terhadap Agnes.
Sungguh miris, saat seorang artis Indonesia sedang berusaha untuk membawa nama baik Indonesia, malah dihujat dan dibenci oleh warga negara Indonesia sendiri.

Maju terus Agnes Monika!!

Monday, February 24, 2014


Jimmy Fallon

Sébastien Izambard

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

American Pie

American Pie... What a movie....
Because it takes us through time, when first time released the main casts are in youth ages. And now, when the current installment released, the main casts are already growing up as young adults.

Here are some pictures to remind us how young they were.

And here are some pictures to see how they have grown up:

Monday, May 24, 2010

Eastwick (2009)

This is a story about 3 (three) not so ordinary women whom happened to have a very special gift.

Kat Gardener
Joanna Frankel
Roxie Torcoletti

Everything are not the same, after one man came to town
Darryl Van Horne

Great story, although it has been canceled after the first season.

Source :

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Legend Of The Seeker (2008)

Legend of the seeker, a new action heroes series has arrived. First season started on November 2008 and new season has started on November 2009.

A lot of action, drama, thrill appears in this fascinating series. With a handsome actor and beautiful actress, along with natural act, this series is one thing which is worthy to be seen.

Not only with charming face and natural act, but the stories are also put a value-added into it.